Dear Ma [Blog] – Generation Justice

Dear Ma,

You are the first person I call when I am happy and the first person I call when I’m upset. You have always been the most important person in my life. You have instilled in me the importance of a powerful imagination and a dream. My whole life you have encouraged me to reach for the stars and follow my dream no matter what it is. You have been my biggest supporter and cheerleader. You have believed in me even when I have not believed in myself.  Not only have you been an outstanding mother, but you have also been a great friend. During my “terrible teens” you made the effort to be interested in what I was and liking what I like, including watching all 4 seasons of “The OC” start to finish.  I thank you for making me the person I am today. You are strong, powerful, and loving.  You are incredible and I love you.

